When you look back on old photos, the female hairstyles tend to change year to year, more so than the males. I thought it would be fun to look back on Quinn’s hairstyles and the challenges and solutions we’ve had with it.
Continue reading “Quinn’s hairstyles”Parent hack: Seat belt cover
As all baby cubs do, Quinn has outgrown her car seat and is now ready for a booster seat. She loves the booster seat! I imagine it’s more comfortable for her bigger size. But above all, she loves how she can unbuckle herself! This is great… until it’s not! That’s when I discovered this tool!
Real talk: birthdays and special needs
Quinn turned 6 last week!! This year seemed a lot harder for me than the previous years.
Prepping meds
After 4+ years of managing Quinn’s medications, we’ve got a system that has worked well for our family. In the early years, Quinn’s seizure medication would change every other week so we were constantly titrating (building up or weaning down) medication. We must have went through five different medications the first year. It was a rollercoaster journey because we would slowly build up the medication only to discover a bad side effect and have to slowly bring down the medication. Seizure medication needs to be slowly weaned from the system or it could result with more seizures. On top of that, most of time the medication did very little, if nothing, to control her seizures.
Our system is not perfect and it is constantly evolving as we discover new products or tricks. Hopefully, this will inspire you to develop a system that works for your family.
Continue reading “Prepping meds”When everything changed…
For the first year of Quinn’s life, everything felt more than perfect. We looked like we were rocking life and living the dream. I got a promotion at work. Mike’s start up company was doing well. Ty was rocking Montessori school. Quinn was such a sweet and chill baby. We looked as if life couldn’t get any better.
Continue reading “When everything changed…”