Bus stop etiquette

Message to cars waiting: Ok people! I know buses are not your favorite thing to follow, especially when you are on your way to work or late somewhere but please stop honking at the buses. It doesn’t make us move any faster and just gives me so much anxiety.

Do people really honk at you? You bet they do! Especially if you are putting a child with special needs on the bus. Some cars will even drive through the stop sign on the side of the bus.

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Prepping meds

After 4+ years of managing Quinn’s medications, we’ve got a system that has worked well for our family. In the early years, Quinn’s seizure medication would change every other week so we were constantly titrating (building up or weaning down) medication. We must have went through five different medications the first year. It was a rollercoaster journey because we would slowly build up the medication only to discover a bad side effect and have to slowly bring down the medication. Seizure medication needs to be slowly weaned from the system or it could result with more seizures. On top of that, most of time the medication did very little, if nothing, to control her seizures.

Our system is not perfect and it is constantly evolving as we discover new products or tricks. Hopefully, this will inspire you to develop a system that works for your family.

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