Ty’s birth story

My oldest turns 10 today and it also marks my 10 year anniversary as a Tiger Mom. My family was a little worried about him being born into the year of the tiger 🐯. My parents kept teasing me that it was a tough zodiac sign and he was going to be a “rough” one. So I did what any defiant first-generation Asian American would do against the negative omens about my first born cub. I leaned into my role as his Tiger Mom.

1 years old (2011)
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Quinn’s birth story

6 years ago around this time, we had scheduled her C-section to be on January 31st, since it happened to fall on Chinese New Year in 2014. She was going to be a horse 🐎 in the Chinese zodiac. In true Quinn fashion, she came when she was ready–one day earlier. We joked that she really didn’t want to be a horse. Instead, she wanted the snake 🐍 year. And she’s been calling the shots ever since.

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Hello World!

Ok I guess I’m really doing this! 😬So here goes!

Tiger mom (n)

  • A strict mother, especially an East Asian one, who demands academic excellence and obedience from her children. (source: dictionary.com)
  • A mother who is overly strict with her child in order to foster an academically competitive spirit. This form of upbringing is intended to direct a child towards financially successful careers at the potential risk of feeling emotionally unfulfilled and/or socially inept. (source: Urbandictionary.com)

Tigerish mom (n)

  • A much watered down version of the definition above. Um… it’s close enough!?!?!
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