Bus stop etiquette

Message to cars waiting: Ok people! I know buses are not your favorite thing to follow, especially when you are on your way to work or late somewhere but please stop honking at the buses. It doesn’t make us move any faster and just gives me so much anxiety.

Do people really honk at you? You bet they do! Especially if you are putting a child with special needs on the bus. Some cars will even drive through the stop sign on the side of the bus.

Quinn doesn’t have a wheelchair so people are not as forgiving for the extra time we need. So allow me to break down the mystery that happens inside the bus while you are waiting for the stop sign on the side of the bus to retract.

Quinn has seizures. So she is required to have a four-point harness on the bus in case she seizes. Legally, the bus driver is not allowed to get off of the driver seat. So it is up to the parent/caregiver to climb into the bus and clip the child into four clips (at both shoulders and both hips), then vacate the bus. This can be delayed if the clips are not positioned on the seats correctly and have to be adjusted. This can also be delayed if said a child is having a meltdown and resisting.

Therapy wise, it is best to let the child walk up the bus herself and get into her seat herself. It builds Independence and self competence. But with her special needs, she’s not always the fastest. As a parent, I really don’t want to rush her either. The more opportunities I give her to practice independent actions by herself, the easier it will be for her to be independent in the future. So if we are running late, I do rush her. It is selfish for is to take that time but please know it is not an entitlement act or a power trip.

The bus comes around the same time five days a week. Just plan a route around it or leave 2 minutes earlier. Or just simply wait. Put on a podcast. Life will resume. I promise.

Message to bus drivers: please do not honk while the child and caregiver have not entered the bus. The horn is very loud and can frighten the daylights out of those individuals standing outside.

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