Happy ❤️ Day

We uncovered a long lost vlog that was directed by Ty about our first Valentine’s tradition.

Every year since Eli could eat solid foods, I’ve been making chocolate covered fruit with my kids for Valentine’s day. The tradition started when Mike was working in the city and I thought it would be nice for him to come home to some desserts.

Before you start thinking this is a #humblebrag, please keep in mind, Eli is just 3yo right now. So I’ve only really kept this up for 2 years. If it doesn’t happen in 2020, I may delete this post. But chances are pretty good it will happen this year because Mama needs content.

Like most traditions around here, I didn’t think much of it until the following year. My husband was at work again so what should we do? “Well, we made chocolate covered fruit last year. I guess we could do it again…”

2018 – the start of our tradition

Those who know me well know I do not enjoy cooking with my kids. This is because I’m a combination neat+control freak. They never do it the “right way” so I either abandon ship early or end the activity in an argument.

Strangely enough, I’m okay with chocolate and the mess it brings. I’d like to think it’s because I can’t deny the joy in their chocolate-covered cherub faces as they make and devour their own creations. But I think it has more to do with how it’s really not that messy.

  • It’s a quick activity because chocolate hardens.
  • Like their Mama, they love chocolate so they are pretty careful of not wasting it.
  • Hot water+Norwex cloths make clean up a breeze!
  • Afterwards, I feel as if I’ve earned extra bonus points towards the mother of the year competition that I always subconsciously enter.

I hope you all do something for Valentine’s day, even if it is as small as this or watching a home movies. It doesn’t even have to be on the actual day. Just show your kids it’s worth breaking routine for. Personally, I do feel it is good to keep mini celebrations such as today, even if these dates were (allegedly) fabricated by Hallmark. These days force me to stop and smell the proverbial roses.

If nothing else, it makes great content for social media.  ❤️


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