4 days old
6 years ago around this time, we had scheduled her C-section to be on January 31st, since it happened to fall on Chinese New Year in 2014. She was going to be a horse 🐎 in the Chinese zodiac. In true Quinn fashion, she came when she was ready–one day earlier. We joked that she really didn’t want to be a horse. Instead, she wanted the snake 🐍 year. And she’s been calling the shots ever since.
My water broke the morning around 5:30. We dropped her older brother at my in-laws in the morning and went to the hospital. They sneaked me in at the top of the surgery list and Quinn was born at 8:45am.
We didn’t find out what the baby’s gender was so the whole family was waiting in anticipation for the news. There were a lot of votes for “girl” since we already had a boy. This time, they happened to be right.
Mike also didn’t like the name “Quinn”. He wasn’t a fan of the gender neutral names. But when he saw her, he said “You know, she looks like a Quinn.”
She spent the next few months being a typical baby. She slept through the night. She was so relaxed and chill. It honestly felt like we were crushing it at life. My sister later told me that we made life with two kids look so easy.