Quinn’s birth story

6 years ago around this time, we had scheduled her C-section to be on January 31st, since it happened to fall on Chinese New Year in 2014. She was going to be a horse 🐎 in the Chinese zodiac. In true Quinn fashion, she came when she was ready–one day earlier. We joked that she really didn’t want to be a horse. Instead, she wanted the snake 🐍 year. And she’s been calling the shots ever since.

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Prepping meds

After 4+ years of managing Quinn’s medications, we’ve got a system that has worked well for our family. In the early years, Quinn’s seizure medication would change every other week so we were constantly titrating (building up or weaning down) medication. We must have went through five different medications the first year. It was a rollercoaster journey because we would slowly build up the medication only to discover a bad side effect and have to slowly bring down the medication. Seizure medication needs to be slowly weaned from the system or it could result with more seizures. On top of that, most of time the medication did very little, if nothing, to control her seizures.

Our system is not perfect and it is constantly evolving as we discover new products or tricks. Hopefully, this will inspire you to develop a system that works for your family.

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Hello World!

Ok I guess I’m really doing this! 😬So here goes!

Tiger mom (n)

  • A strict mother, especially an East Asian one, who demands academic excellence and obedience from her children. (source: dictionary.com)
  • A mother who is overly strict with her child in order to foster an academically competitive spirit. This form of upbringing is intended to direct a child towards financially successful careers at the potential risk of feeling emotionally unfulfilled and/or socially inept. (source: Urbandictionary.com)

Tigerish mom (n)

  • A much watered down version of the definition above. Um… it’s close enough!?!?!
Continue reading “Hello World!”