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Hello world! My name is Lana and welcome to my blog!

Personal Mission – to chronicle my lessons and share my stories with the hopes that my anecdotes can help someone else find humor, inspiration, and courage to continue on his/her life journey.  

Background: In a previous life, I was a software developer for DataViz and Blackberry for 15+ years.  I met my husband, Mike, at work.  We dated for a while before getting married in October 2007.  Soon after that, we bought our first home together and started popping out cubs.

My litter

  • 2010 – 🐯- We welcomed our first cub, Ty, during the year of the Tiger. Besides for some breastfeeding issues, he was a great baby. He was so chill and very bright. He listened really well and was just a delight to bring anywhere. His story gets more interesting when he enters 1st grade (more on that later).
  • 2014 – 🐍- We struggled to get pregnant with our second cub, Quinn. But she came healthy and happy with only one round of IUI. We had scheduled my c-section to be on Chinese New Year (Year of the Horse) but true to her nature, she picked her own birthday and zodiac. She was also a happy and chill baby. Her story gets more interesting after 1 years old (more on that later).
  • 2016 – 🐒- Our third cub, Eli, was conceived miraculously without any intervention. He is just like Ty but more energetic, expressive, and confident. Of my three cubs, he’s the most neuro-typical one. His story is just starting to develop…